What is Nmap?

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful open-source network scanning tool used for network discovery and security auditing. It helps in identifying hosts and services on a network, allowing security researchers and system administrators to discover vulnerabilities and secure their networks.

How to Use Nmap in Bug Bounty

In bug bounty programs, Nmap is commonly used to:

  1. Discover Live Hosts: Identify active devices on a network.
  2. Port Scanning: Detect open ports on the target systems.
  3. Service Detection: Determine the services and versions running on open ports.
  4. OS Detection: Identify the operating system of the target machine.
  5. Scriptable Interaction: Use Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) to perform advanced tasks.

Basic Nmap Commands

  1. Scan a single host: nmap <target-ip>
  2. Scan a range of IP addresses: nmap <start-ip>-<end-ip>
  3. Scan a subnet: nmap <subnet>/<CIDR>
  4. Scan a specific port: nmap -p <port> <target-ip>
  5. Scan multiple ports: nmap -p <port1>,<port2>,<port3> <target-ip>
  6. Scan all 65535 ports: nmap -p- <target-ip>
  7. Service Version Detection: nmap -sV <target-ip>
  8. OS Detection: nmap -O <target-ip>
  9. Aggressive Scan (combines OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute): nmap -A <target-ip>
  10. Using Nmap Scripts: nmap –script <script-name> <target-ip>

Tips for Effective Use

  1. Combine Nmap with other tools: Integrate with tools like Nikto, Metasploit, and Burp Suite for deeper analysis.
  2. Regular Updates: Ensure Nmap and its scripts are up-to-date for the latest vulnerabilities and detection techniques.
  3. Read Documentation: Nmap has extensive documentation and a strong community; use these resources to learn advanced techniques.

By mastering Nmap, you can significantly enhance your reconnaissance and vulnerability detection capabilities in bug bounty hunting.

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